Toyota Prius
Comedian Gabriel Iglesias has a famous bit about the Prius and how if he were ever pulled over by a police officer in Prius he wouldn’t take them seriously. The fact of the matter is the Prius is not the coolest looking car. Add this to the fact that many were sceptical about its hybrid engine and you do not have a car that was expected to do very well. It also didn’t help that the Prius was associated with dorks and tech geeks. However, much to our surprise, a change happened almost overnight: potential owners were somehow convinced that owning a hybrid was cool. This was also good news for Honda as they had developed the Insight, a similar hybrid vehicle.
And then the best thing that could have happened: celebrities starting driving them. Once people saw A list celebs like Leonardo DiCaprio riding around in a Prius, they could no longer deny that the Prius was in fact cool.