A Test Drive Should Include The Highway
It’s amazing how many car buyers take a vehicle they’re interested in for a test drive and then only drive around the block once before deciding to buy. A once-around-the-block spin is not nearly enough to give a car a decent test drive – especially if that car is used or pre-owned. Don’t be afraid to really put a car you want through its paces. Give the dealership your license and tell them you’ll be back in 30-45 minutes. Make sure that any test drive includes some time spent on a highway or freeway, where you can really open up the engine and see how the vehicle performs. People are often amazed at what they find once they take a car on a highway and push the speedometer past 60 miles an hour or 100 kilometers an hour. If the steering wheel starts to shake, it’s an indication that there’s an alignment problem with the vehicle. If you smell something burning, you may have loose wires or an engine oil issue. You can kick the tires all you want, but it is a test drive that will tell you the most about a car.