Common Driving Mistakes

Riding The Brakes

Unless you’re a racing driver, there’s no need to have your foot on the brakes all the time. Whenever people use both feet to drive, you find people who ride their brakes. They drive almost the entire time with the right foot on the gas, but the left foot permanently on the brake.

This bad habit causes vehicles to jerk unpredictably as the gas and the brake complete. It also ends up with the owner finding that their brakes wear out very quickly. Serious incidents and frequent fender benders show us that riding the brakes does more than just damage your own vehicle.

It’s much safer to use your feet in the way that you were taught to pass your test! Right foot is for braking and accelerating. You’re doing one thing or the other.

Avoid riding the brakes and your Drivers Ed teacher would be proud of you.

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