Common Driving Mistakes

Bad Seating Position

On the surface, it probably doesn’t seem like a mistake that drivers make. You sit in your car seat however you like don’t you? When you drive, you choose to be comfortable, and that’s all that matters in this case. Well, no, that’s not true. While comfortable IS important, there are other factors to consider.

Certain seat positions lead to poor driving. If you are positioned too far away from pedals, it can lead to slow reactions. If you are in a resting position it may cause you to become drowsy.

You should be seated in an upright and alert position. It’s great to be comfortable, but that’s not really the point. Take a look at racing drivers. They always sit in a position that is upright and allows them ease of movement. They can easily reach all the instruments of the vehicle and without effort.

They also keep two hands on the wheel at all times, allowing them to react to the smallest thing with confidence. Bad seating can lead you to driving the car in ways that can be bad for your health.

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