Porsche Boxster Mysteriously Damaged While Shipped Across The USA

This, of course, makes no sense at all as it would be highly unlikely (impossible even) that Mark would have driven a car in that condition from Connecticut all the way to New Jersey. They even claim to have photos showing the state of the wet car, which are time stamped with the time that Mark had dropped the car off. For this reason, the transport company refused to pay for any of the above damages. Essentially, they claimed that the car was already in the terrible condition when Mark gave it to them back in New Jersey.

Thus, Mark was left with a whole slew of questions. First off, who in their right mind would claim that a sane person would drive from Connecticut to New Jersey in a car that was drenched in water? Who took the photos of the car and when were they taken if only the security guard was working that day? Why was the driver side window down? Why was the rear spoiler deployed? When did that happen? Why was the brand new battery dead? Who was responsible for this mess? And who would be paying for the damages to his Boxster S?

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