Terrible Cars That Should Have Never Been Sold

The Lada

Without a doubt, one of the worst cars ever made. Based on the Fiat, the Lada was a cheap imitation. With its familiar tractor-like engine producing the sound of factory machinery, its exhaust resembled a chain smoker. If you bought a Lada thinking you were getting a cheap Fiat, you were soon schooled otherwise.

Driving the Lada was a wobbly, noisy, lazy affair, with steering that worked more on luck than judgment. The brakes also didn’t last too long.

Still, they were popular in the U.S and Canada, mainly due to their low price and simple mechanics. Although buying one ensured one of certain health benefits – walking back from wherever the car broke down would certainly keep you fit.

The Lada disappeared once the influx of cheap Korean cars arrived on the scene. These were equally cheap, but they offered a much greater level of quality, and shorter walks back home.

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