Terrible Cars That Should Have Never Been Sold

Chrysler K-Car

You can always rely on Chrysler to create something dreadful. The K-Cars became known for their cheap quality and reinforced beliefs in the 80s that Chrysler’s cars were a pile of cheap junk.

The brainchild of Lee Lacocca, who, if you remember had stewarded the glorious failure of the Chrysler TC, this was a way of forcing cheap cars onto the general public.

It was designed to help the struggling finances of Chrysler at the time. And it did sell an awful lot of units – over a million of each type were sold in the first year they were available.

And surprisingly, Motor Trend magazine made the K-Car, it’s Car of the Year.

But this Car of the Year couldn’t escape its dismal reputation for being the car of the poor. It later garnered a reputation for a vast range of problems. It was a cheap car, made for little, that didn’t really deserve the plaudits it received and will now be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

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