Terrible Cars That Should Have Never Been Sold

DeLorean DMC-12

This is the car that anyone who is familiar with the Back to the Future film franchise will find hard to forget. What most people don’t realize is that the reason that the DeLorean DMC 12 was chosen for the film was that it was a terrible car. Featuring the car in the movie was a joke!

The DeLorean Motor Company promised the people of Northern Ireland a prosperous future when they decided to manufacture the car there. But while the car went into production in 1972, the factory had closed its doors by 1982 and filed for Chapter 11.

This car was a flop from start to finish. Its gullwing doors were impractical, the stainless steel exterior was… there aren’t even words for it. The engine was just weak and it took over 10 seconds to get up to 60 miles per hour.

When it was launched, the critics tore it to shreds. It was also far too expensive.

If Back to the Future hadn’t resurrected its cool image with the success of the films, no one these days would even know what a DeLorean looked like.

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