Terrible Cars That Should Have Never Been Sold

Ford Pinto

Ah, the poor old Ford Pinto. It’s almost hard not to feel sorry for it. The Pinto is an absolute class of its own in the world of classic disasters. The Pinto could simply explode in collisions with other vehicles. It was so dangerous that it became the butt of comedian’s jokes all over the U.S.

However, it is now just as famous for the memo that came from the Ford Motor Company; as for the terrible car itself.

This memo stated that they thought it was more cost effective to pay compensation to the victims than to recall the cars and reinforce their rear fenders. Ford Motor Company’s reputation suffered a drastic blow and became well known for their heartless corporate philosophy.

Whether you remember the Ford Pinto as a disaster on four wheels or the callousness of their corporate decision-making – it’s a flop all around.

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