The 25 Strangest Traffic Laws In America (that you’ve probably never heard of)

Jumping From A Car At Sixty-Five Miles Per Hour

As a child, you may have wondered what would happen if you opened the door while your parents were driving on the free way. Trust us when we say that it was smart of you never to feed your curiosity, as the end result would have been anything but pretty. However, if you don’t trust us and want to jump (literally) to your own conclusions, make sure not to do so in a vehicle that is travelling over sixty-five miles an hour if you don’t want to face legal charges.

No Personalized License Plates For Drunk Drivers

Some people get a kick out of showing off their personalized licence plates. However, if you happen to be convicted of a drunk driving offence in the state of New Jersey, the privilege of choosing your own license plate. So if you’re from New Jersey it’s wise not to drink under the influence because you know, you might kill somebody and/or yourself, but also because you won’t be able to drive around with some variation of “N33D 4 SP33D.”

Driving With A Gorilla In The Back Of The Car

Have you ever seen a baby gorilla? We have and they are so freaking adorable that you may just want to take one home with you. Although, no matter where you live, doing so might not be one of your award winning decisions, it is this explicitly against the law in Massachusetts to drive with a gorilla in the backseat of your car. We aren’t sure what would happen if you were caught in this state driving with one riding shotgun, or multiple gorillas in your backseat, but we bet you likely do not want to find out.

Hit NEXT for more traffic laws that will make you say whaaa!

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