Cars With Awesome Pop-Up Headlights

Mazda RX-7

The whole range of RX-7 has always had pop up lights, but the very first-gen cars had the most in your face headlights. Half-way through the Seventies. the Department of Transport insisted that headlights had to be located twenty four inches from the ground. This was a particular problem for cars with very low fronts. The RX-7 has without doubt, the lowest front end of any car of the entire Seventies. And so pop-up lights weren’t a design choice, they were necessary.

The RX-7 also featured a revolutionary rotary engine, which along with those flirty headlights made the car one of the most memorable sports cars ever produced. But it wouldn’t be half the car it was without those famous hideaway headlights.

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One response to “Cars With Awesome Pop-Up Headlights”

  1. JG McInerney

    Seriously? you included the LTD and MR2 but not the excellent Mitsu 3000gt or 1st gen Eclipse? Weird!