Cars With Awesome Pop-Up Headlights

1984-1991 Ferrari Testarossa

For some people, there is no Ferrari like the Ferrari Testarossa. Nothing said speed and style like this Ferrari of Ferraris. When the Testarossa was launched in 1984, cars were changing hands for more than $100,000 dollars above the original price tag. There aren’t a lot of cars that people have become so crazy about.

When people saw those flashy pop up lights and the dynamic red Ferrari, they wanted one. But most people couldn’t afford one, so other companies imitated, but never really competed.

By 1991, it seemed like a relic of the Eighties, but slowly and surely the Testarossa has become a real collectible again. Prices to buy a used Testarossa have recently doubled. So, if you’ve got one in the garage – it is time to sell up.

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One response to “Cars With Awesome Pop-Up Headlights”

  1. JG McInerney

    Seriously? you included the LTD and MR2 but not the excellent Mitsu 3000gt or 1st gen Eclipse? Weird!