Terrible Cars That Should Have Never Been Sold

Reliant Robin

Where do we start with the poor old Reliant Robin? It had some deeply rude nicknames, although ‘plastic pig’ was one of the nicest. A car with three wheels. It didn’t really stand a chance did it? Nevertheless, the Reliant Motor Company continued to make different versions of this three-wheeled wonder for over 30 years. While the car was greatly mocked (they had the same joke in Britain as the Yugo had in America), it also enjoyed a kind of cult-fan status with the British.

One of the greatest problems this car faced was that it could easily be stolen. Not that anyone would want to steal it. Okay, truthfully – one of the greatest real problems with this car was that having only one front wheel meant that it could fall over easily if it tried to round a corner at speeds of more than 25 mph. The site of Reliant Robins being pushed back onto their three wheels from the side was common on British roads.

The Reliant Robin was groundbreaking in one important way though. This car was the first in the world to have a body made entirely of fiberglass.

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