The 25 Strangest Traffic Laws In America (that you’ve probably never heard of)

Camel On The Road

If you are unaware that there is a camel problem in parts of the United States, you likely don’t live in Nevada where it is illegal to drive on the road with them. In case you were wondering, a camel can run up to 40 miles/hour so the problem might be that camels simply can’t keep up.

Parking An Elephant At A Meter Requires A Normal Fee

Downtown parking in most cities can be a nightmare. Can you imagine the difficulties that you would have if what you were trying to park was an elephant? If you happen to be in Florida, you also couldn’t just leave Dumbo there without paying the normal metre fee. We also hope that you don’t forget to clean up after your parked pal as nobody wants to walk or drive into a pile of dung.

Driving On A Road Without A Man With A Lantern In Front

Oftentimes laws are created and not updated to keep up with the times. We assume that this is the case with the law in Redlands, New York, which states that driving on a road without a man with a lantern is against the law. Unless, of course, they are hoping to bring back this practice. Who knows? We sure don’t.

Chicken Crossing

Why did the chicken cross the road? We still have no idea. However, tell Peep to stay where he is if you ever happen to be in Quitman, Georgia as a chicken crossing the road is punishable by law. We aren’t sure how one tickets a chicken, but we sure do not want to find out.
