Lately it seems that aluminum is either the work of Lucifer himself or the second coming of that other religious fella most of us have heard of. You may have seen pictures of these huge gashes in the truck beds of newer Ford F150 trucks which are made of aluminum now as well as the majority of the vehicles body. It’s bad enough that many people wont even look Fords way when shopping for a truck. But lets look at this a little closer. Aluminum is much lighter, highly rigid and doesn’t rust easily. This in turn means the vehicle will be better on gas due to weight savings, is rated by most as the safest truck in its class and because its body is mostly aluminum, the Ford should stay healthy for a much longer period of time especially in climates prone to rust.
Again, You like what you like and that’s ok, if you’re either a Dodge guy or a GM girl or vice versa, both have great trucks in their own right. Looking down the road though with its lighter chassis and it’s superior rust proofing the Ford F150 might just save you a few extra bucks if it proves to be a reliable well built vehicle. Maybe just be careful what you throw in the back.